
Porter Goss: I'm not qualified for the CIA

WASHINGTON, Aug. 13 (UPI) -- The prospect of Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla., facing a tough confirmation has grown with news he once said he was not qualified for a job in the agency.

In March Goss told left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore: "It is true I was a case officer, clandestine services officer, and yes, I do understand the core mission of the business. But I couldn't get a job with the CIA today. I am not qualified."


Goss said that was because he lacked the language and computer skills needed now, the New York Daily News reported.

"My language skills were Romance languages and stuff. We're looking for Arabists today. I don't have the cultural background, probably. And I certainly don't have the technical skills, uh, as my children remind me every day, 'Dad you got to get better on your computer.'"

Goss is expected to face tough criticism in the confirmation process from Democratic colleagues like Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Jay Rockefeller.

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