
Republicans holding together after scandal

WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 (UPI) -- Democrats are gaining ground in light of the Foley scandal, forcing Republicans to scramble to hold their party together for the elections, Newsweek said.

A Newsweek poll showed that more than half the respondents questioned believe House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., knew about former Rep. Mark Foley's inappropriate Internet exchanges with teenage congressional pages. The poll found 80 percent of respondents were aware of the scandal, and a growing percentage of voters are now favoring Democrats over Republicans.


Rep. Ray LaHood R-Ill, appearing on CBS News' Face the Nation, said he believed the page program should be suspended. LaHood gave "high marks" to Hastert for his "strong leadership." He told host Bob Schieffer that Hastert still has the credibility to deal with the ethical problems the Republican Party faces.

Rep. Tom Davis R-Va., a top GOP fund-raiser, said Hastert should have reacted more swiftly to the Foley problem. An investigation into the Foley scandal is underway.

Despite all the scandal, the stock market is high and oil prices are down by 25 percent, which is good news for Republicans, Newsweek said.


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