
Mo. Senate candidates debate nationally

WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. Senate candidates Jim Talent and Claire McCaskill Sunday showed Missouri and the nation how they differ on Iraq, terrorism and stem cell research.

The candidates, locked in a tight, closely watched race, debated before a national audience on "Meet the Press," moderated by Tim Russert.


During the 40-minute debate, they disagreed on whether House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., should resign over his handling of the sex scandal involving former Rep. Mark Foley, who resigned last month over explicit electronic messages sent to congressional pages. Talent, the Republican incumbent said no. Democratic challenger McCaskill, Missouri state auditor, said Hastert should quit, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

Talent said progress was being made in Iraq and called McCaskill "weak" in the war on terror. She said she supports giving the president tools to conduct proper surveillance.

Talent said a timetable cannot be set for a U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq. McCaskill favors a two-year withdrawal.

McCaskill said she supports stem cell research using human embryos because "(my) faith directs me to heal the sick," the Post-Dispatch said. Talent said stem cell research is promising but "speculative."


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