
Olmert pursues West Bank pullout

JERUSALEM, April 12 (UPI) -- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says he plans to pull out of parts of the West Bank but wants to keep Jerusalem under Israeli control, reports said.

"Dividing Jerusalem will not bring peace, only more fighting," Olmert told The Wall Street Journal. Olmert did, however, leave open the possibility that some Arab neighborhoods around Jerusalem would move to Palestinian control.


Olmert said he intends to finalize his West Bank pullout plans in the next 18 months and considers last month's election sufficient Israeli support for his stance, The Jerusalem Post reported.

Olmert said he will seek international support -- including money -- for the West Bank pullout, including a meeting next month with U.S. President George Bush.

Olmert told the Journal he is watching to see if Hamas moderates its view toward Israel. If it doesn't, Israel will act unilaterally, the prime minister said.

"I can't wait forever," Olmert said.

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