1 of 5 | The judge on Tuesday said the court would delay the verdicts for Auns San Suu Kyi to allow Zaw Myint Maung, a senior member of her political party, to testify. File Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI |
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Among the charges against Suu Kyi are illegally importing communications devices and violating COVID-19 protocols.
Protesters rally against the military coup in Mandalay, Myanmar, on February 28. File Photo by Xiao Long/UPI
"Myanmar's courts are still tightly beholden to the military so even though they postponed the announcement, a guilty verdict is widely expected," Robertson told the news outlet.
"This trial has been a travesty of justice since day one, with fair trial procedures dumped to the wayside, defense counsel gagged, and public access non-existent."
Thinzar Shunlei Yi, a veteran protest organizer in Myanmar, said the delay is a tactic to sidestep the expected backlash to the verdicts against Suu Kyi.