
Nudists get extension on eviction order

TORONTO, Sept. 29 (UPI) -- About 100 nudists who built cabins and cottages on a park north of Toronto won an extension of a quick eviction notice after the owners sold the property.

At a hearing before an adjudicator of the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board, about 10 of the mostly aging nudists said they were taken off guard when they were informed Aug. 21 they had to move out by Oct. 1 as the 100-acre Glen Echo Family Nudist Park had been sold, the Globe and Mail reported.


The park owners, Edward and Mary Todorowsky, founded the camp in 1954 and many of its current users were original visitors who brought in mobile homes or built uninsulated cabins for summer use, the tribunal heard.

The lawyer for the undisclosed purchaser argued the group had no status as tenants, as it was purely a camping-style arrangement, but the adjudicator disagreed. Adjudicator Sylvia Watson noted several people lived there year-round and as such, had full tenants' rights as opposed to visitor status, the Globe said.

Watson ordered after the Oct. 1 property sale went through -- or collapsed -- residents had to be given one year's notice to vacate, the report said.


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