
G20 summit could face Twitter tactics

LONDON, March 28 (UPI) -- Demonstrators targeting the upcoming G20 summit in London will likely be using the Twitter networking service to orchestrate their moves, police say.

An unidentified senior police official said summit demonstrators may use the social networking service, along with text messaging, to continuously coordinate their protest plans and thwart security efforts during next week's summit, The Times of London reported Saturday.


"There is the prospect of us playing cat and mouse around London -- trying to stop incidents as they flare up," the official said.

The protests began Saturday with the Put People First march in London, which organizers say is intended to bring attention to the current economic struggles worldwide.

"The march for jobs, justice and climate brings together more than 150 groups committed to making the event a peaceful and law-abiding call on the G20 governments to commit to policies that will deliver jobs, end poverty and move to a low-carbon economy," march committee Chairman Glen Tarman told The Times.

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