
Scientologists treat Norwegian addicts

OSLO, Norway, Dec. 1 (UPI) -- Norway's government has spent huge sums treating drug addicts at a controversial operation run by Scientologists, reports said.

The Narconon center in Denmark, where treatment costs about $30,000, bases its work on teachings by Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, Aftenposten reported Wednesday.


However, Astrid Skretting, a researcher at the State Institute for Drug and Alcohol Research, told ANB she fears Norwegian addicts will convert to Scientology after their stay.

Norway has already spent large amounts on the Danish operation.

Narconon Denmark manager Ole Thiemer was aware of criticism of Narconon's methods by U.S. experts, but insisted the center is independent of the church.

"We have clients that become Scientologists when they complete treatment," Thiemer told Aftenposten. "Maybe they think like I do, that if just a tiny part of Hubbard's technology can free them of addiction, what could all of his teaching do."

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