
Filmmakers allege Rove behind Swift Boat ad

WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- The makers of a documentary about Karl Rove allege the senior presidential adviser is the force behind the Swift Boat attacks on Democrat John Kerry.

But, the New York Post reported Wednesday, the men behind the film "offer no proof Rove" is connected to the attacks on Kerry by the veterans' group.


"Bush's Brain," based on a book by two Texas reporters, alleges Rove orchestrated similar attacks against former Bush rivals Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Ann Richards, the Democrat whom Bush beat to win the Texas governorship in 1994.

The Swift Boat Veterans effort, film co-director Michael Shoob said, is "a third-party attack that was hatched by Karl Rove."

The film also tries to advance the idea, popular with Bush-haters, that Rove was behind the effort to finger the wife of former U.S. Ambassador Joe Wilson as a covert CIA employee -- a charge first made by Wilson himself.

Rove has repeatedly denied being the source of the leak, which is under investigation by a U.S. special prosecutor. Asked for a comment, a presidential spokesman told the Post: "We simply don't offer film reviews from the White House."


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