
Kerry lightens up on cable's 'Daily Show'

WASHINGTON, Aug. 25 (UPI) -- Democrat John Kerry yucked it up on Comedy Central's "Daily Show," his first major interview since U.S. Navy vets began questioning his Vietnam service.

Host Jon Stewart began his questioning of the presidential hopeful saying he watches a lot of cable TV and "I understand that, apparently, you were never in Vietnam."


Kerry responded: "That's what I understand, too. But I'm trying to find out what happened."

The Massachusetts senator went on to say the "most bizarre part of the entire campaign" is when voters try to introduce themselves to him in the men's room, Newsday reported Wednesday.

When asked about accusations he flip-flops on issues, Kerry turned all business.

"Is it a flip-flop? Does it mean cutting kids out of after-school programs? Does it mean drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge? Does it mean sending kids to Iraq without body armor that's state of the art?"

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