
Music and the military in spotlight

WASHINGTON, May 30 (UPI) -- Flags, the anthems of the military services, the nation's top commanders and veterans and the wounded shared Sunday night's capital concert spotlight.

The annual pre-Memorial Day concert on the Capitol grounds in Washington, D.C. was broadcast by PBS, narrated by actor and writer Ossie Davis and featured many pictures of the audience, filled with World War II veterans in town for the dedication of that war's new memorial.


Current soldiers, some in their camouflage, some in bandages and missing limbs, could also be seen in the audience.

The program featured a medley of the services' theme songs with the color guard of each service marching across the stage.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Richard Myers, told the crowd, "Tonight, many of America's sons and daughters are in harm's way, far from home." Some, he said, "have been called away for only a short time, some have never been accounted for, and some will always carry the wounds of combat. Others will never return home."

Today," he said, "our servicemen and women serve in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Bosnia and Haiti, risking their safety for ours and giving hope to millions."


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