
Frost to oppose Sessions in Texas race

DALLAS, Jan. 16 (UPI) -- Texas Democrat Rep. Martin Frost announced Friday he will oppose Republican Rep. Pete Sessions in a newly created congressional district in Dallas.

Frost, a 25-year House veteran, was targeted in the Republican redistricting plan passed by the Legislature in October and recently approved by the federal court. He and Sessions will run in the new 32nd District which includes part of Frost's old District.


"I believe this will be a tough, hard-fought race but I believe that we can win," he told a news conference in downtown Dallas.

Frost called the new district one of the most diverse in the state with Hispanic, Asian and black populations in southwest Dallas. It also includes the Park Cities and North Dallas, which are traditionally Republican areas.

Sessions welcomed Frost to the race and said the voters will have to determine whose message is better for them.

"I believe the conservative philosophy and message is better for the people in Texas 32," he said.

Republicans hope the redistricting plan will give them up to seven new seats in the 32-member congressional delegation that is now split evenly between the parties.


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