
Italy's MBDA testing naval munitions

ROME, June 6 (UPI) -- MBDA Italia has been testing upgraded naval munitions.

The May 26 test involved an MBDA Marte missile configured for naval deployment aboard warships. The device was launched at the Poligono Interforze di Salto di Quirra test range to validate the new munitions' configuration by testing canister behavior during launch to ensure that the missile and its weaponry canister separated correctly during the launch and flight phase.


The Marte missile's naval configuration firing exercise was successful, with the missile completing a trajectory which included a number of different terrain-mapping check points to validate its dynamic, real-time interactive capabilities, MBDA Italia said Monday.

Data gathered during the naval version of the Marte missile's flight parameters were received in real time to the ground station and are undergoing subsequent analysis to provide an accurate final assessment of the test launch.

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