
Turkey a player in region, official says

ANKARA, Turkey, March 11 (UPI) -- Next month's visit by U.S. President Barack Obama to Turkey is proof that Turkey figures high in Obama's foreign policy, a Turkish official said.

"The new administration is aware of Turkey's importance," said Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently. "Turkish-American relations have entered a new era."


U.S.-Turkish relations were strained under the Bush administration, beginning with the Turkish parliament's refusal to allow U.S. troops to use Turkey as a staging area for movement into Iraq. However, Ankara said it will allow U.S. troops to pass through Turkey on their way out Iraq, aligning with Obama's withdrawal plans, Time magazine reported Wednesday.

Turkish officials have hosted several rounds of secret peace talks between Syria and Israel since May and has played a role in helping secure the fragile cease-fire that ended hostilities in Gaza earlier this year, the magazine said. It also has been approached by Iranian leaders to mediate in Tehran's face-off with Washington over Iran's nuclear aspirations.

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