
Photo of nude teen may prompt charges

SMITHLAND, Ky., Oct. 16 (UPI) -- Police in Livingston County, Ky., say they may charge more than 200 people for sharing a nude photograph of a 14-year-old girl.

The Livingston County Sheriff's Department said the unidentified teenager allegedly took the photo herself and shared it with several friends who in turn passed it along to others on their cell phones, the Livingston (Ky.) Daily Press & Argus said Wednesday.


Sheriff Bob Bezotte said police have already confiscated a dozen cell phones that allegedly contained the photo and are now considering criminal charges in the case.

Police learned of the photograph of the Pinckney High School student in September from the school's principal and an investigation was initiated into the incident.

Pinckney Community Schools Superintendent Dan Danosky told the newspaper the results of the ongoing investigation would determine what action the school board takes regarding those students involved.

"If it was a prank gone awry, that is different than if it was intentional distribution of inappropriate photograph," he said. "We will learn from the Sheriff's (Department) what is the situation and will take action based on that."

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