
Crist defends McCain

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 (UPI) -- Florida Gov. Charlie Crist is shaping up to be Republican presidential hopeful John McCain's top surrogate, a newspaper reported Monday.

The Hill reported that Crist -- although dismissive of the notion that he was considering being McCain's vice presidential running mate -- endorsed McCain in a lengthy interview with the newspaper as though he were on the stump with the Arizona senator.


Crist reportedly touted McCain's knowledge of national security matters and defended him from charges made by The New York Times last week that called into question his integrity.

"I don't know that I've met a more honorable person in my life than Sen. John McCain other than my father and my mother, of course," Crist was quoted as saying. "I think his integrity is beyond reproach."

While calling former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's decision to exit the GOP race "statesmanlike," Crist declined to say whether McCain's two remaining rivals -- former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Texas Rep. Ron Paul -- should do the same.

The Hill reported that, along with Crist, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty are frequently considered McCain's potential vice presidential picks.


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