
DA holds firm on Duke lacrosse case

DURHAM, N.C., June 20 (UPI) -- District Attorney Mike Nifong says he will not call in a special prosecutor in the Duke University lacrosse rape case in North Carolina.

In an e-mail exchange with Newsweek magazine, Nifong blasted defense lawyers for trying to spin reporters and attacked journalists for reaching "demonstrably false" conclusions, the Durham Herald-Sun reported.


"Is anyone surprised that the defense attorneys are spinning this case in such a way that things do not look good for the prosecution?" Nifong wrote. "Their job, after all, is to create reasonable doubt, a task made all the easier by an uncritical national press corps desperate for any reportable detail, regardless of its veracity."

Three Duke lacrosse players are charged with allegedly raping an exotic dancer during an off-campus Duke lacrosse party in March.

"I have seen quite a bit of media speculation (and it is even worse on the blogs) that either starts from a faulty premise or builds to a demonstrably false conclusion," Nifong told the Newsweek writer. "That is not my fault (although some of your colleagues have acted as if it were). The only people I have to persuade will be the 12 sitting on the jury."


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