
Poll: U.S. worries more about immigration

UTICA, N.Y., May 8 (UPI) -- A Zogby Interactive poll shows that immigration has joined terrorism and the war in Iraq as one of U.S. voters' top concerns.

The survey also found strong regional, partisan and generational differences. Generally, Republicans, people living in the western United States and the middle-aged and elderly were more likely to worry about immigration.


Overall, 37 percent of those surveyed said that the Iraqi war is the country's biggest problem while 32 percent each said immigration and terrorism.

More than half, 53 percent, of Republicans surveyed said that immigration is their major concern. For Democrats, the figure was 10 percent and they were far more concerned about healthcare, health insurance and prescription drugs and about the war.

The issue is not a winning one for President George Bush. While 36 percent approve of his performance overall, only 13 percent said he is doing a good job on immigration and 9 percent on border security.

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