
U.K. foreign policy-Muslim unrest linked

LONDON, Nov. 10 (UPI) -- A British government task force has concluded the country's foreign policy, such as support for the war in Iraq, fuels extremism that leads to terror attacks.

The "Preventing Extremism Together" task force was put together following the July 7 transit bombings in London to determine the causes behind such attacks.


The report stated, "There is evidence that a few young Muslims are turning to extremism, fueled by anger, alienation and disaffection from mainstream British society."

Policies such as participation in the war in Iraq were seen as being used by people trying to incite extremism.

The task force said it was concerned about anti-terror proposals introduced to Parliament in the aftermath of the attacks, saying "the U.K. must lead on and not unilaterally derogate from international principles and standards of human rights."

It said current anti-terrorism laws resulted in "counterproductive counter-terrorism" and said some proposals were being used to radicalize Muslims.

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