
Goss orders CIA staff to fall in line

WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 (UPI) -- The CIA's new chief, Porter Goss has issued a memo calling for agency staff to "support the administration and its policies," the New York Times reported.

The memo was circulated to the foreign intelligence-gathering agency late Monday in what some observers said was an attempt to suppress dissent.


"As agency employees we do not identify with, support or champion opposition to the administration or its policies," Goss wrote, adding analysts' goal is to "support the administration and its policies in our work."

While his words appear to urge analysts to conform with Bush administration policies and "to clarify beyond doubt the rules of the road," Goss also said "We provide the intelligence as we see it -- and let the facts alone speak to the policymaker."

A former intelligence official who requested anonymity said he was concerned the memorandum was an effort to stifle independence.

"If Goss is asking people to color their views and be a team player, that's not what people at CIA signed up for," the former official said.

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