
Kerry campaign files complaint against vet

WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 (UPI) -- Sen. John Kerry's U.S. presidential campaign Friday filed a complaint accusing Republicans of financing a veterans group out to smear him.

The complaint filed with the Federal Elections Commission alleges charges made against Kerry by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are inaccurate and the anti-Kerry group's funding is "illegally coordinated" with the GOP and the Bush-Cheney campaign, CNN reported.


In its complaint, the Kerry campaign said it has "overwhelming evidence that SBVT is coordinating its expenditures on advertising and other activities designed to influence the presidential election with the Bush-Cheney campaign," CNN said.

A spokesman for the Bush-Cheney campaign called the complaint "false and frivolous," CNN said.

The veterans' group released a new ad Friday, taking issue with remarks Kerry made when he returned from Vietnam as an anti-war activist, 30 years ago.

Federal records show the $600,000 veterans' ad campaign is primarily funded by GOP contributors from Bush's home state of Texas, CNN said.

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