
Pentagon: 94 cases of prisoner abuse

WASHINGTON, July 22 (UPI) -- Pentagon officials announced Thursday internal investigations have found 94 cases of abuse of Iraqi and Afghani prisoners by U.S. military personnel.

Only parts of the long-awaited findings of the Army's Inspector General were made public at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, but the numbers -- which include both confirmed and alleged cases of abuse -- are much higher than the previous estimates by Pentagon officials


Army investigators also found from Oct 1, 2001, through June 9 of this year, the United States has held more than 50,000 prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, the report, ordered in February following the discovery of prisoner abuses at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison leading to charges against seven Army reservists, concludes there are no systemic problems underlying the abuse and that some of the cases resulted from improper implementation of Army procedure.

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