
Baghdad prison declared a crime scene

BAGHDAD, June 21 (UPI) -- A military judge has overruled U.S. President George Bush and ordered the infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad left standing as a crime scene.

Judge Col. James Pohl issued the order at pre-trial hearings for three U.S. Army troops charged with abusing prisoners, CNN reported Monday.


In a speech late last month, Bush said the United States would build a modern maximum security prison to replace Abu Ghraib, which would be demolished if the new Iraqi government agreed.

"This judge had the integrity ... to tell the president of the United States, 'You're not touching that prison,'" said Paul Bergrin, the civilian defense attorney for Sgt. Javal Davis.

Spc. Charles Graner and Staff Sgt. Ivan "Chip" Frederick were also scheduled to appear as the process moves toward setting trial dates.

Considered the leader of the abuse at the prison, Graner has been charged with conspiracy to maltreat prisoners, dereliction of duty for allowing prisoners to be maltreated, cruelty and maltreatment, maltreatment of prisoners, assault of prisoners, committing indecent acts, adultery and obstruction of justice.


Davis and Frederick are facing general courts-martial -- military courts that handle felony-level offenses.

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