
Illinois ballot could be minus Bush

SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Nov. 22 (UPI) -- Partisan bickering in Illinois' Legislature could leave George W. Bush off the state's presidential ballot next year.

Illinois' Senate Republicans Friday killed a Democratic bid to forgive steep election fines against scores of Democrats, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Saturday.


But, the same bill would have waived the state law that requires President Bush to certify his candidacy in August in order to get on the Illinois ballot.

Bush can't meet the deadline because he won't be nominated until Sept. 2, which is the last day of the GOP convention.

"I called the various news organizations that had colored charts in the 2000 presidential campaign and suggested they color in Illinois to whatever color there is for Democrats because we won," crowed one top Democratic spokesman.

Bush's campaign refused to comment, the Sun-Times said, but Illinois Republicans predicted Bush would somehow get his name in the state's polling booths.

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