Robin Verrecas's twin-like similarity to Justin Bieber turned the teen into a pseudo celebrity, but when TMZ leaked photos of the singer smoking weed, many Beliebers decided to pin it on the 18-year-old graphic designer.
Justin isnt smoking. get on instagram and go to @robinverrecas. its his picture & he looks a lot like Justin. i repeat, Justin Isnt Smoking.
— Derek Bieber (@RealKidrauhI) January 5, 2013Advertisement
Lets just all pray that it was Robin Verrecas and not Justin
— Alyssa(@kidrauhlsgucci) January 5, 2013
i'm telling you either the pics or photoshopped or its Robin Verrecas.
— June 22nd. (@swagtasticdrews) January 5, 2013
But what if that's Robin verrecas? He looks like Justin + I don't see his new tattoo.…
— hopeless. (@OurCanadianHope) January 5, 2013
"That wasn't Justin smoking a joint, it was his lookalike, Robin Verrecas."
— Allie (@intimatebieber) January 5, 2013
Verrecas, who in the past has exploited his uncanny look-a-likeness to Bieber by posing like him in several photos, tried to defend himself on Twitter by announcing that he would never to do anything to hurt the singer because he is a fan, and urged the pop star to come clean and release him from the undeserved hate he's getting.