
Cuban doctor recovers from Ebola, returns to Havana

While hospitalized in Switzerland, Cuban Dr. Feliz Baez was given a precursor to the experimental drug ZMapp, as well as an experimental Japanese flu drug, and reportedly made a full recovery.

By JC Finley
Health workers treating Ebola patients in West Africa have to take extraordinary precautions. UPI File/EC/ECHO
Health workers treating Ebola patients in West Africa have to take extraordinary precautions. UPI File/EC/ECHO

HAVANA, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- A doctor from Cuba who contracted the Ebola virus while treating infected patients in West Africa has recovered and returned to Havana.

Felix Baez was Cuba's first medical professional to contract the deadly virus after falling ill in Sierra Leone. On Nov. 20, Baez was transported to a Swiss hospital in Geneva for treatment.


While hospitalized, he was given a precursor to the experimental drug ZMapp, as well as an experimental Japanese flu drug, and reportedly made a full recovery.

Upon landing at Havana's Jose Marti airport on Saturday, Baez vowed "I will return there to finish what I started."

It is unclear if Baez will be allowed to return.

Cuba has deployed 250 doctors and nurses to West Africa to treat those infected by Ebola, the biggest contingent of medical personnel dispatched to the region by a single country.

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