
Coming days critical for future of Bahrain

MANAMA, Bahrain, July 4 (UPI) -- The next few days and months are crucial in helping Bahrain find a solution to solving its problems, the head of National Dialogue says.

National Dialogue begins Tuesday and Issa Abdul Rahman, who heads the organization, said some 300 people from all walks of life will take part to suggest solutions to the country's problems, Gulf News reported.


"Since February we have had many unfortunate incidents so now we have reached a stage where we need to move forward and focus on the future," Rahman said. "We have to find a solution for the future of Bahrain."

Political dissent earlier this year left at least 30 people dead and hundreds injured when government troops opened fire on unarmed civilians. Curfews and other strict security measures were lifted last month.

"I think the mistakes that were made will be identified by the international independent committee that was formed recently," Rahman said. "The experts that are on the committee have a high profile in international organizations. They will be able to identity who made mistakes and prevent them from happening again."

Rahman said it is important that issues be correctly identified and addressed.


"We didn't want to have a National Dialogue and then discover in a few months that not all the areas of concern were not addressed," Rahman said.

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