
Spanish protesters strike against new pact

MADRID, June 20 (UPI) -- Thousands marched in cities across Spain Sunday to protest the way politicians are handling the economic crisis, officials said.

Around 45,000 people gathered in Madrid's Puerta del Sol plaza to strike against the Pact for the Euro, which covers a new set of reforms, including cuts to wages and social benefits, El Pais reported Monday.


The rally took place near Congress as protesters chanted, "We're not paying for your crisis" and "They call it democracy, but it's not."

Demonstrators have accused politicians and bankers of implementing economic policies that led to the highest unemployment rate in the eurozone.

In Barcelona, Spain's second largest city, 50,000 people turned out to protest.

Organizers from the M-15 movement have planned another demonstration outside Congress in the Puerta del Sol plaza in Madrid on Tuesday.

Spanish legislators will discuss unions and conditions covering workers' general rights and duties.

The M-15 movement began right before elections May 22, demanding reform of Spain's democratic system.

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