
Avalanches disable S. Ossetia-Russia road

VLADIKAVKAZ, Russia, March 16 (UPI) -- The only direct road between Russia and South Ossetia has been cut off due to approximately 30 avalanches, officials said Tuesday.

All maintenance crews for the Transcauscasian highway are working in emergency mode, RIA Novosti reported.


The snowy weather in the region "guarantees avalanches" and the road has already been closed for more than a day, said Yulia Starchenko, a spokeswoman for North Ossetia's emergency ministry.

The heavy snow and avalanches are blamed for downed power lines that cut electricity supplies from Russia to South Ossetia, RIA Novosti said.

"Since 1 o'clock in the morning, the republic (South Ossetia) has been completely without electricity," Starchenko said.

South Ossetia relies on Russian supplies for energy and contact with the rest of the world, RIA Novosti reported.

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