WASHINGTON, July 25 (UPI) -- President Barack Obama's family and first dog Bo are to spend part of next month at a 28-acre farm on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., sources said.
A white Victorian farmhouse dominates the four homes at Blue Heron Farm, Chilmark, where similar properties rent for $35,000 to $50,000 per week, The New York Daily News reported Saturday, noting the Obamas were expected to pick up the tab for their vacation the last two weeks of August.
The $20 million property overlooks Tisbury Great Pond and includes an apple orchard, flower and vegetable gardens, stone walls, a swimming pool, a golf practice tee and a small basketball court, local Realtors said.
The property is owned by William and Mollie Van Devender, who bought it from the late New York real estate developer M. Anthony Fisher and his wife, Anne. Former President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, were guests of the Fishers during a dinner at Blue Heron in 1998, the Daily News reported.