
Clean NYC subway stations? Fuggedaboutit!

NEW YORK, Aug. 3 (UPI) -- The head of New York City Transit agreed that the Big Apple's subway stations are a mess -- and they won't get better any time soon.

NYC Transit President Howard Roberts told the New York Post Sunday even anticipated fare hikes would not be enough to make needed repairs and upgrades to the city's 486 subway stations.


"We're not doing as many rehabs, and we have very limited capacity to maintain and clean the stations we do have," Roberts said. "We really do not have the funding to do a first-class job."

He said proposed fair hikes would "only maintain the status quo."

A recent Post survey found dozens of crumbling and dirty platforms where passengers waited among cockroaches and rats for overcrowded trains to arrive.

Roberts said the problem goes back to before he came on board as his predecessors kept cutting into maintenance budgets to make ends meet.

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