
Coastal town caught up in police lawsuit

GLOUCESTER, Mass., Dec. 17 (UPI) -- A possible police coverup in Gloucester, Mass., is fueling speculation about questionable promotions and -- perhaps -- a crooked system of justice.

Gloucester Mayor John Bell's son, Rob Bell, was brought in for marijuana possession with his friend, Marie Muniz, one summer night in 2002. But the Boston Globe reports that names of Rob Bell and Muniz do not appear anywhere in the 23-page police log from that night.


The log contains names and addresses of dozens of people who were involved in even the most routine complaints from that night -- everything from stray dogs to loud music.

Over the years, the story has evolved into allegations of police coverup and a two-tiered system of justice in the coastal town. Suspicion was further fueled after the two officers dealing with the mayor's son and his friend that night were promoted. One of the promotions is the focus of a federal lawsuit filed by an officer who was passed over.

Mayor Bell insists his promotion decisions had nothing to do with the way his son's case was handled. He and his wife say they specifically asked that their son be treated the same as any other suspects, the newspaper said.


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