
Soft drinks sale at issue in Conn. schools

HARTFORD, Conn., May 16 (UPI) -- The Connecticut General Assembly is considering a measure to limit soft drink and snack sales in the state's public schools.

Supporters say the bill is needed to help fight child obesity by banning soft drinks at all schools, allowing only snacks approved by the state Department of Education and mandating at least 20 minutes of recess for children in fifth grade and younger, The New York Times reported.


The Democratic Party-controlled state Senate, on a mostly party-line 24-11 vote, passed a bill that has some of the toughest limitations in the country on school sales of soft drinks. The state House is debating a watered-down version that would allow the sale of diet soft drinks.

It is believed, the Times said, the Senate would go along with those changes. It is unclear what Gov. M. Jodi Rell, a Republican. Will do should the bill reach her desk.

Two weeks ago Rell, in remarks the Times said reflect the basic Republican stance on the measure, told a local television outlet: "Where do you start to draw the line and when do parental responsibilities come into play?"


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