
Police slam Tories for stirring up fear

LONDON, April 1 (UPI) -- British police have criticized the Conservative Party for seeking to stir up fear with ads suggesting a major rise in violent crime.

Richard Brunstrom, chief constable of North Wales, told Channel 4 News Thursday night the ads "quite improperly stir up fear" of crime.


The Tories say their figures show a substantial rise in violent crime.

Newspaper ads in marginal seats show bar charts of local figures, which suggest a rise in offenses.

But Brunstrom said crime has actually been falling for years. The charts compare figures before and after 2001-02, which is when the way of compiling statistics changed, he said.

Meanwhile, the archbishop of Canterbury warned all political parties not to exploit people's fears in electoral campaigning.

In an open letter to party leaders, Rowan Williams complained "familiar anxieties" over terrorism, asylum and immigration were already featuring in campaigns.

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