
Calif. panel approves gay marriage bill

SACRAMENTO, April 21 (UPI) -- A committee of California's General Assembly has voted to legalize gay and lesbian marriages, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.

The Assembly Judiciary Committee approved a bill Tuesday to grant full marriage rights to same sex-couples.


The bill is considered unlikely to advance and is expected to die this year.

That did not seem to discourage supporters.

"What we are looking at today is a union of two individuals," said Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, who wrote the bill, "whether for a lifetime or not, whether to procreate or not -- to share the joys, the challenges, the ups and downs and exhilarations of life together."

Assembly leaders were under public pressure to support Leno's bill and willing to give him a single public hearing. But in an election year, with focus on the state budget crisis, the bill is expected to die in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

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