
Palestinans asked to help stop bombings

WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 (UPI) -- Secretary of State Colin Powell called Tuesday on the Palestinian Authority to move against radical groups, following two suicide bomb attacks against Israelis.

The Voice of America said U.S. Middle East diplomacy has been complicated not only by Tuesday's suicide attacks, but also a resurgence of violence along the Israeli-Lebanese border.


But Powell, addressing a group of Israeli and Palestinian students, said he and the Bush administration will never stop working to resolve the Middle East conflict.

Powell said the suicide bombers are trying to "destroy the dreams" of Israelis and Palestinians and they must not be allowed to succeed.

Said Powell: "We will not be stopped by bombs. We will not be stopped by this kind of violence."

Later, both the White House and State Department condemned the suicide attacks, the first of their kind in more than a month, and urged the Palestinian Authority to move against radical factions responsible for acts of terror.

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