
Fox launches live Web streaming of shows

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 25 (UPI) -- U.S. television network Fox says it will stream the season premieres of two of its shows live on its Web site but only to users with ".edu" addresses.

Television networks had waited at least a day to post streaming versions of their first-run shows to their Web sites but in a bid to solidify its fan base among college students, Fox says it will show the premieres of "Fringe" and the "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" online at the same time as they're aired, the show business trade newspaper Variety reported Monday.


The network, however, is going to limit the capability to those with ".edu" Internet protocol addresses, which includes most college students, Variety said.

"We talked about what we could do with colleges given the fact that we have so much traffic coming from them," Fox Entertainment Chairman Peter Liguori told the newspaper. "The light bulb went off -- by simul-streaming 'Fringe' and 'Sarah Connor,' (the college students) get to see the show and we get the increased fanbase and buzz."

"Fringe," a new show, is to premiere Sept. 9, while returning show "Sarah Connor" will have its fall launch Sept. 8.


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