
Sparton, USSI producing sonobuoys

SCHAUMBURG, Ill., July 24 (UPI) -- Sparton Corp. and USSI have received subcontracts to produce sonobuoys for the U.S. Navy.

The subcontracts, worth $14.4 million and $11 million, respectively, come from ERAPSCO, the companies' joint venture.


The device to be produced is the AN/SSQ-125 MAC Source Sonobuoy, an A-size, expendable, multi-static active coherent sonobuoy that features digital signal processing and a digital compass capability for bearing determination, target localization and tracking by aircraft.

"ERAPSCO is firmly committed to the development of innovative technology in supplying the U.S. Navy with quality products that help secure U.S. borders, and proud to continue in its role as a technology partner for the U.S. Navy," the company said.

Production of the AN/SSQ-125s will take place at a Sparton facility in Florida and at a USSI plant in Indiana.

The number of units to be produced wasn't disclosed but delivery is to be completed in the summer of 2014.

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