
No sign of compromise seen in Suez Canal dispute

UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Oct. 10, 1956 (UP)--Egypt pressed today for a negotiated solution to the Suez dispute "consistent with Egyptian sovereignty" over the canal. But there were no signs that Egypt or Britain and France were ready to compromise. United Nation's Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold was using his own brand of quiet diplomacy in an effort to find a solution through secret talks. India's V. K. Krishna Menon, meanwhile, worked behind the scenes for a yet unannounced compromise.

Hammarskjold conferred last night with the foreign ministers of Britain, France and Egypt. He called them in for another private talk today.


The Security Council itself was in recess until tomorrow to allow diplomats 48 hours in which to hold private meetings. Hammarskjoid's diplomatic hand obviously was playing a major role during the 48-hour period.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi held the floor during much of yesterday afternoon's 90-minute secret session of the Security Council -- the first held on a political dispute in the body's 10-year history. Informed sources said he failed to retreat an inch from Egypt's announced position.

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles' secret speech was reportedly received by Egypt with relief. The government had expected him to endorse the Anglo-France resolution calling for international operation on the canal. But government sources said the fact he commended Egypt's proposal for a negotiating body was "vitally important."


The Soviet Union continued to give Egypt unqualified support in what U.S. spokesmen have termed a major Russian effort to win Arab friendship in the Middle East. Moscow Radio blasted the western Big Three again today and said Egypt's handling of the canal cannot be the subject of any international investigation.

Egypt, meanwhile, gave no indication it would need Dulles' appeal to accept the principle that the canal must be "insulated" against being an "instrument of national policy" for any country.

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