
Nanking falls to Japan; Chinese troops fleeing

By United Press

SHANGHAI -- China's central capital of Nanking tonight was in the hands of the triumphant Japanese army while the last remnants of Chinese defenders were fleeing westward toward Hankow, new seat of the central government.

Domei agency, only news service permitted to release information through the strict Japanese censorship around the besieged city, announced the occupation of Nanking at sunset.


A few hours later the Chinese spokesman at Hankow officially confirmed the fall of the capital, announcing that Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek had ordered his troops to withdraw from the walled city.

The Domei report gave only meager details of Nanking's collapse, after an almost continuous 24-hour battle in the city's streets, in which Japanese poured through gaps in the western walls and drove the Chinese from the city.

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