CHICAGO, Dec. 26, 1909 (UP) -- "The year 1909 breaks all records as a twelve-month period of antialcohol reform," is the opening line of a statement issued tonight by Chairman Charles R. Jones, at national Prohibition headquarters, which is to be read today in Chicago churches. The statement was issued in reply to claims of a reaction by liquor interests. He says:
"In addition to gains in thousands of cities throughout America the twelfth world's congress against alcoholism, held in London, revealed a unity that promises greater progress for the ensuing year. There was launched during the year an international prohibition confederation embracing representatives of movements in a score of nations.
"In the United States exists a strong trend toward abolition of the liquor traffic. Despite claims of a reaction made by the liquor press, the records show that in no twelve months during the past fifty years has there gathered such a progressive force or been such a substantial gain for national prohibition. The chief handicaps to the enforcement of prohibition are the need of federal protection of dry territory against interstate liquor traffic and the treacherous alliance with the outlawed liquor traffic of politicians and party machines unfriendly to prohibition.
"Last November the Prohibition party polled an increased vote in every state except Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Indiana. As a result the party is going into the congressional campaign of 1910 with vigorous agitation and organization in many sections of the country."