
Pakistani teen accused of blasphemy and family have moved to Canada

TORONTO, June 29 (UPI) -- The family of a teenage girl who was acquitted of blasphemy in Pakistan has moved to Canada, a Christian organizer says.

Peter Bhatti, who heads the organization that arranged the move, said Rimsha Masih and her family are living in the Toronto area, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported.


Rimsha, 14, who is Christian, was accused in Pakistan of burning pages of a Koran. She was acquitted at trial but her family remained in hiding.

Bhatti said the Canadian government gave the family permission to settle there.

He said Rimsha, who has been described as having Down syndrome and spent 25 days in an adult prison in Pakistan after her arrest, is happy.

"She is doing wonderful. She is studying in school, every day, she going to school, she is learning, she is starting talking more," he told the CBC.

Bhatti said the family still fears attacks from extremists and does not want the location of their new home revealed.

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