
China ministry: Probe finds no 'flesh pills'

BEIJING, May 9 (UPI) -- Chinese health officials said they will investigate so-called human flesh capsules even though no evidence of pills made of human remains has yet been found.

Health Ministry spokesman Deng Haihua said the department was investigating claims the capsules made with aborted fetuses were smuggled into South Korea from China, China's state-run news agency Xinhua reported Tuesday.


Health officials across China will work with police, customs agencies and commerce authorities in the investigation, Deng said.

China has strict rules on the disposal of the remains of dead infants, aborted fetuses and placentas, which are categorized as human remains not medical waste, he said. Also, medical facilities and their staffs are barred from trading human remains, the spokesman said.

South Korean media reported the importing of "human flesh capsules" was first noticed in August. Since then, South Korean customs authorities reported uncovering 35 attempts to bring the human flesh pills into the country in luggage or by mail.

The pills, which pose serious health risks, are believed to help replenish blood supply, improve circulation and enhance sexual performance.

Deng said Chinese health departments investigated the reports made in August and found nothing to support the claims.


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