
Activists call for primary boycott

JERUSALEM, Jan. 23 (UPI) -- Activists in Israel's Likud party say they're boycotting the party's upcoming primary in protest of President Binymamin Netanyahu's policies.

The far-right activists say they're upset about Netanyahu's opposition to legalizing the Migron outpost in its current location. Netanyahu has offered a compromise plan to residents of the West Bank outpost that would move permanent structures to state-owned land and turn evacuated lands over to the Civil Administration, reported Monday.


Party activists say Netanyahu is trying to thwart a vote on a bill that would regulate the status of outposts built on private Palestinian land that has not been claimed for four years.

"This is a blow to our democracy," the group's petition said, "because there is a majority in the committee that supports the bill.

"Unfortunately, the situation has became unbearable. The only way to influence is to stay at home," Natan Engelsmen, a party founder, told "We urge Likud voters that want a democratic, lively party to skip the next elections. Netanyahu will be elected in any case, but at least our message will be heard loud and clear."

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