
Tunisia under nighttime curfew

TUNIS, Tunisia, May 8 (UPI) -- A day of anti-government street riots in Tunis led Tunisia's interim leaders to impose a nighttime curfew late Saturday.

State television broke the news that the Interior Ministry had ordered everyone off the streets between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. until Monday, the Los Angeles Times reported.


There were no reports about injuries or arrests from Saturday's violence.

The North African country has been in political upheaval since January when violent protests calling for democratic reform forced President Zine el-Abidine ben Ali to flee the country.

The interim government has promised elections in July, but rumors are rampant the elections won't change the fundamentalist Islamic rule and a coup would ensue, the Times said.

Meanwhile, the al-Jazeera reported the government had shut down a Facebook site run by dissenter Jalel Brick.

Users trying to access the page are given this message: "This Web page has been filtered in accordance with a requisition from the examining magistrate at the request of the Tunis Military Tribunal."

The unrest that began in January in Tunisia spread to other Arabic countries in Africa and the Middle East in what's become known as the "Arab Spring."


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