
Family disavows alleged cancer fraudster

MILTON, Ontario, Aug. 8 (UPI) -- The estranged parents of a Canadian woman who allegedly faked having terminal cancer to trick people into giving her money say they are through with her.

Mike Kirilow, father of alleged cancer fraudster Ashley Kirilow, 23, of Burlington, Ontario, told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Sunday his daughter won't have the family's support.


"She was pleading for me to be there because she doesn't have anybody else," Kirilow said shortly after accepting a collect call from his daughter, who was being held at a detention center.

"I want no part of this. She told me to stay out of her life. I gave her every opportunity to do the right thing."

Mike Kirilow said his daughter had admitted to him she did not have cancer.

"It's caused a lot of embarrassment, and we're ashamed of the situation," he said.

Kirilow, who has been estranged from her parents, stepmother and siblings for five years, turned herself in to authorities Friday and was charged with three counts of fraud under $5,000. She is to have a bail hearing Monday.

Ashley Kirilow's mother, Cindy Edwards of Brantford, Ontario, said the family was upset that her daughter had allegedly perpetrated the scam.


"There was so much money, and she's making out like it was nothing. It just makes me really sick," Edwards said.

"I have nothing to do with her anymore."

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