
Swastikas found on Israeli synagogue, home

TEL AVIV, Israel, April 18 (UPI) -- Police in Tel Aviv say swastikas and images of Palestinian flags were spray-painted on the walls of a synagogue and a Jewish home Sunday morning.

The vandalism occurred at the Ajami neighborhood of Jaffa near the Arab-Jewish Center and an elementary school attended by Jews and Arabs, said.


Tires were slashed on a car belonging to the family living in the house, across the street from the French ambassador's home. No arrests had been made.

One resident said he believes the vandalism was the act of a single young person rather than part of a broader movement and should not hurt relations between Jews and Arabs in the neighborhood.

"There are very few Jewish families here in the neighborhood, and they are old families that have very good relations with the surroundings," said the resident, Tzur Shizef, a journalist and photographer.

He said the synagogue has been there for dozens of years and that there once had been a Jewish majority in the neighborhood.

"In my opinion, this act stems from someone messing with kids' heads that Jaffa 'belongs to us', telling them they need to fight the Jews," Shizef said. "But this is a minority. It is more an act of foolishness than evil."


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