
Damages awarded to Gush Katif evacuees

JERUSALEM, July 7 (UPI) -- A Jerusalem court awarded two Israeli couples $1.25 million for the uprooting of their sons' graves in the 2005 disengagement from Gaza.

The district court Monday ruled in favor of the families, after reviewing a psychiatric assessment, detailing the anguish and grief the graves' removal caused the families, Yedioth Aharonoth reported Tuesday.


Moshe and Linda Stein's son was in his 20s when he died in 2003, the paper said. Rahel and Eli Loutati's son was killed in an attack on a military outpost in the Gaza Strip in 2004.

The assessment described the extreme trauma suffered by the families.The Stein family is unable to pay a weekly visit to the cemetery where their son is buried and remains traumatized from footage taken during the disengagement broadcast in the media, showing some of the workers laughing as they dug up the grave, the paper said. The Loutati family was also harshly affected by the events, and encountered difficulties functioning on a daily basis, the paper said

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