
Detroit Police retrieving 15 sunken cars

DETROIT, July 1 (UPI) -- Detroit Police say the 15 sunken cars being retrieved from the Detroit River Wednesday could hold "unlimited" mysteries.

Detroit Police spokeswoman Eren Stephens Bell told the Detroit Free Press the vehicles retrieved as part of Operation Recovery could potentially hold clues to various crimes.


"It's unlimited what can be in these vehicles, so that's why we have to go pull them up," Bell said. "They're going to pull them because you never know. There could be several reasons why (they were dumped): part of a crime, insurance fraud. We really don't know."

The 15 cars were found in the river in June by divers working on a case. Details of that case were not reported.

The Free Press said it is unclear how long the vehicles at the center of the Detroit Police Underwater Recovery Team two-day operation had been submerged in the river.

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