
Anti-Yuschenko protesters rally in Kiev

KIEV, Ukraine, Feb. 23 (UPI) -- Communist demonstrators in Kiev Monday chanted for President Viktor Yushchenko to pack his bags and leave for the United States, observers said.

About 200 backers of Ukraine's Communist Party opposition rallied in Kiev's Independence Square and mockingly solicited donations for the pro-Western Yushchenko's plane ticket out of the country, RIA Novosti reported.


Public opinion polls have indicated the Ukrainian president's popularity is plummeting, with his approval levels approaching single digits as he celebrated his 55th birthday Monday. The Communists say he should be impeached because of what they see as pro-U.S. policies that go against Ukraine's interests.

They point as an example to a recently signed U.S.-Ukraine charter on strategic relations that calls for collaboration in the defense, security, economic and energy sectors while also establishing a U.S. diplomatic mission in Simferopol, RIA Novosti said.

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